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NIWA, being the Japanese word for “garden” is Mckenzie’s current collection. Featuring a 5 panel work, spanning over 7 metres, this work is the focal point of this show, exploring the idea of multiple pathways and destinations within the painting symbolising the multiple destinations and pathways in one’s own life. This theme continues through the other works in the show and sees the introduction of the palm tree in Mckenzie’s work and a lighter palette
NIWA, being the Japanese word for “garden” is Mckenzie’s current collection. Featuring a 5 panel work, spanning over 7 metres, this work is the focal point of this show, exploring the idea of multiple pathways and destinations within the painting symbolising the multiple destinations and pathways in one’s own life. This theme continues through the other works in the show and sees the introduction of the palm tree in Mckenzie’s work and a lighter palette
Fellow Fighters
137 x 197 cm
Each Their Own Garden, Each Their Own Story
197 x 765 cm
Search for One Hundred Flowers
137 x 197 cm
A Palm Nursery
137 x 137 cm
Encounters with Trees
137 x 183 cm
Once upon a Winter
102 x 102 cm
Search for a Sanctuary
137 x 183 cm
River Flows Over, River Flows Under
122 x 214 cm
Symbol of the Sea
167 x 167 cm